Can you get rid of a bed bug infestation for a measly $15? That’s what a recent news article suggests.
It just might be the solution to the bed bug infestation that’s exploded in the city the last couple years. And what’s more, you can do it yourself. And the cost? Less than 20 bucks.
So what is this solution? It is similar to the NightWatch Bed Bug Monitor Trap. Scroll half-way down How to trap bed bugs for more information on the NightWatch. Essentially, it uses carbon dioxide to entice bed bugs into a contraption they can’t escape from. It is smart, cheap and easy enough for anybody to make.
But is it a solution to a bed bug infestation? That’s a little hopeful since traps like this have been around and in use for a while. They are thought of more as ways to detect infestations and possibly gauge how severe they are — not as a complete solution.
Dr. Wang believes this system, which works principally as a monitor to detect bed bug activity, can eventually get rid of 80% of bed bugs. He cautions it works best with smaller populations. But, when confronted with large infestations, it may have to be combined with a professional pest control service to wipe out the problem completely.
Still, it is something to consider. The short video is worth watching as you can see how the trap is made.