If you have a bed bug problem and don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. You won’t find just a loose collection of disorganized bed bug information here like you will at other sites. Here you will find clear, simple answers to all your questions. And you’ll get exactly the information you need to put together a plan. No matter what your situation is, here you will be able to find an answer to your biggest question:
What do I do next?
The following links will help you address your specific bed bug situation.
Bed Bug Bites
Odd bite marks on your body? It may or may not be bed bugs.This section has bed bug bite pictures and covers bed bug bite symptoms and how to treat bed bug bites.
Bed Bug Detection and Identification
If you’ve never seen a bed bug before it can be hard to know if you have an infestation. These articles, pictures and FAQs help you identify bed bugs and detect an infestation.
Pictures of Bed Bugs
If you’ve found a bug and aren’t sure what it is, these pictures of bed bugs can help you decide.
What do bed bugs look like?
Do you have bed bugs? What does an infestation look like? This section shows you what a bed bug looks like and how to find and recognize signs of bed bugs.
Getting Rid of Bed Bugs
Ok, so you have bed bugs. Now you want to know how you get rid of them. This section covers how to kill bed bugs, DIY bed bug treatment and has information on choosing and working with bed bugs exterminators.
Bed Bug Control and Prevention
Maybe you’ve never had bed bugs. Or maybe you have had them and don’t want them again. This section covers how you get bed bugs, how to protect your home and how to protect yourself while traveling.
Mattress Encasements
Mattress encasements are a critical tool in bed bug control. This section will tell you what they are and how they’re used in both bed bug control and bed bug prevention.
Find a Bed Bug Exterminator
You’ll want to call an exterminator if you know you have bed bugs or if you’re not sure and need a professional assesment. This offiste tool is an easy way to find a local, licensed bed bug exterminators and get free quotes.